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Assessment Results (saved at 2024-07-10 16:54:06):

Evaluated Resource:


{JSON} New

FAIR level:  help


Resource PID/URL: 10.13127/efsm20
DataCite support: enabled
Metric Version: metrics_v0.5
Metric Specification:
Software version: 3.2.0
Download saved assessment results: {JSON}
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Saved assessments:


Score earned:Fair level:
Findable: 7 of 7


Accessible: 3 of 3


Interoperable: 4 of 4


Reusable: 6 of 10




FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
    "guid": "10.13127\/efsm20",
    "guid_scheme": "doi"
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-F1-01D-1Identifier is resolvable and follows a defined unique identifier syntax (IRI, URL)13
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
tested on:
comment: identifier can be given as user input
FsF-F1-01D-2Identifier is not resolvable but follows an UUID or HASH type syntax0
test target:
specifically: name→uuid, hash
condition: any of specified members of test target
tested on:
comment: identifier can be given as user input
Debug messages:
INFOUsing idutils schemes to identify unique or persistent identifiers for metadata
INFOStarting assessment on identifier: 10.13127/efsm20
SUCCESSUnique identifier schemes found ['doi', 'handle']
INFOFinalized unique identifier scheme - doi

FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
    "persistent_identifiers": [
            "pid": "10.13127\/efsm20",
            "pid_scheme": "doi",
            "resolvable_status": true,
            "resolved_url": "https:\/\/\/efsm20"
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-F1-02D-1Identifier follows a defined persistent identifier syntax0.51
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
tested on:
comment: identifier can be given as user input
FsF-F1-02D-2Persistent identifier is resolvable13
test target:
tested on:
comment: identifier has to resolve to a valid URI
Debug messages:
INFORetrieving page -: as text/html, */*
INFOFound object identifier (cite-as) in signposting links -:
INFOPID schemes-based assessment supported by the assessment service - dict_keys(['ark', 'arxiv', 'bioproject', 'biosample', 'doi', 'ensembl', 'genome', 'gnd', 'handle', 'lsid', 'pmid', 'pmcid', 'purl', 'refseq', 'sra', 'uniprot', 'urn', '', 'w3id'])
INFOFound PID which could be verified (does resolve properly) -:
SUCCESSPersistence identifier scheme -: doi

FAIR level:
3 of 3
2 of 2
    "core_metadata_status": "all metadata",
    "core_metadata_found": {
        "object_identifier": [
        "object_type": [
        "title": "EFSM20",
        "publication_date": "2022-10-25",
        "creator": [
            "Eul\u00e0lia Gr\u00e0cia",
            "Jo\u00e3o C. Duarte",
            "Herv\u00e9 Jomard",
            "Carolina Canora",
            "Hector Perea",
            "Roberto Vallone",
            "Roberto Basili",
            "Jure Atanackov",
            "Vanja Kastelic",
            "Marta Neres",
            "Mara Monica Tiberti",
            "C\u00e9line Beauval",
            "Susana Pires Vilanova",
            "Juli\u00e1n Garc\u00eda-Mayordomo",
            "Kris Vanneste",
            "Laurentiu Danciu",
            "Sara Mart\u00ednez-Loriente",
            "Barbara Sket-Motnikar",
            "Varvara Tsironi",
            "Pierre Arroucau",
            "Polona Zupan\u010di\u010d",
            "Athanassios Ganas",
            "Michele Matteo Cosimo Carafa",
            "St\u00e9phane Baize",
            "Raquel Mart\u00edn-Banda",
            "Laura G\u00f3mez de la Pe\u00f1a",
            "Nino Tsereteli",
            "Francesco Emanuele Maesano",
            "Susana Cust\u00f3dio",
            "Shota Adamia",
            "Riccardo Caputo",
            "Edward Marc Cushing",
            "Karin Sesetyan",
            "Petra Jam\u0161ek Rupnik",
            "Mine Bet\u00fcl Demircioglu Tumsa",
            "Arroucau, Pierre",
            "Garc\u00eda-Mayordomo, Juli\u00e1n",
            "Carafa, Michele Matteo Cosimo",
            "Jam\u0161ek Rupnik, Petra",
            "Perea, Hector",
            "Zupan\u010di\u010d, Polona",
            "Kastelic, Vanja",
            "Neres, Marta",
            "Caputo, Riccardo",
            "Danciu, Laurentiu",
            "Mart\u00ednez-Loriente, Sara",
            "Tsironi, Varvara",
            "Tiberti, Mara Monica",
            "Adamia, Shota",
            "Atanackov, Jure",
            "Sesetyan, Karin",
            "Jomard, Herv\u00e9",
            "Gr\u00e0cia, Eul\u00e0lia",
            "Duarte, Jo\u00e3o C.",
            "Demircioglu Tumsa, Mine Bet\u00fcl",
            "Basili, Roberto",
            "G\u00f3mez de la Pe\u00f1a, Laura",
            "Beauval, C\u00e9line",
            "Canora, Carolina",
            "Vilanova, Susana Pires",
            "Baize, St\u00e9phane",
            "Sket-Motnikar, Barbara",
            "Ganas, Athanassios",
            "Cushing, Edward Marc",
            "Vallone, Roberto",
            "Mart\u00edn-Banda, Raquel",
            "Maesano, Francesco Emanuele",
            "Cust\u00f3dio, Susana",
            "Vanneste, Kris",
            "Tsereteli, Nino",
            "Maesano, Francesco",
            "Tiberti, Mara"
        "publisher": [
            "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)",
                "name": "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)"
            "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - INGV",
        "summary": "The European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20) was initially compiled in the framework of the EU Project SERA, Work Package 25, JRA3. EFSM20 includes only faults deemed capable of generating earthquakes of magnitude equal to or larger than 5.5 and aims at ensuring a harmonized input for use in ground-shaking hazard assessment in the Euro-Mediterranean area, namely the European Seismic Hazard Model 2020 (ESHM20). The EFSM20 database is hosted, maintained, and distributed by INGV through the EDSF installation (https:\/\/\/) operated under the auspices of the EPOS-ERIC, TCS EPOS-Seismology, EFEHR Consortium, and the EPOS-MIUR Joint Research Unit.",
        "keywords": [
            "model of seismogenic faults",
            " Europe",
            " earthquakes",
            " magnitude",
            " slip rate",
            " crustal fault sources",
            " subduction fault sources",
            " hazard model",
            " Earth Sciences and Geology",
            " QE - Geology",
            " 551 Geology",
            " hydrology",
            " meteorology",
            " 554 Earth sciences of Europe",
            " 555 Earth sciences of Asia",
            " 556 Earth sciences of Africa",
            "open data",
            "SCIENCE.natural and applied sciences.geology.geophysics",
            "SCIENCE.natural and applied sciences.geology.seismology",
            "SCIENCE.natural and applied sciences.hazard science",
            "slip rate",
            "crustal fault sources",
            "subduction fault sources",
            "hazard model",
            "Earth Sciences and Geology",
            "QE - Geology",
            "551 Geology, hydrology, meteorology",
            "554 Earth sciences of Europe",
            "555 Earth sciences of Asia",
            "556 Earth sciences of Africa",
            "Natural risk zones"
    "core_metadata_source": [
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-F2-01M-1Metadata has been made available via common web methods0.51
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
FsF-F2-01M-2Core data citation metadata is available0.52
test target:
specifically: name→creator, title, object_identifier, publication_date, publisher, object_type
condition: all of specified members of test target
tested on:
FsF-F2-01M-3Core descriptive metadata is available13
test target:
specifically: name→creator, title, object_identifier, publication_date, publisher, object_type, summary, keywords
condition: all of specified members of test target
tested on:
Debug messages:
INFOTrying to resolve input URL -: 10.13127/efsm20
INFOContent negotiation on accept=text/html, */*, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOFound HTML page!
INFOStarting to analyse EMBEDDED metadata at -:
INFOTrying to identify EMBEDDED Microdata, OpenGraph or -:
INFOTrying to retrieve JSON-LD metadata from html page
INFOTry to parse RDF (JSON-LD) from -: landing page JSON-LD metadata in html page UNAVAILABLE
INFOTrying to retrieve Dublin Core metadata from html page
SUCCESSFound DublinCore metadata -: dict_keys(['object_identifier', 'license', 'access_level'])
INFOTrying to retrieve Microdata metadata from html page
INFOTrying to extract Microdata metadata from -: MetadataSources.MICRODATA_EMBEDDED
SUCCESSFound microdata metadata -: dict_keys(['object_type', 'title'])
INFOTrying to retrieve RDFa metadata from html page
INFOFound RDF Graph which was sucessfully parsed
INFOTrying to identify namespaces in RDF Graph
INFOCould not find DCAT, or SKOS/OWL metadata, continuing with generic SPARQL
INFOTrying to query generic SPARQL on RDF, found triples: -:10
INFOFound RDFa like triples but at least some of them seem to be XHTML or OpenGraph properties which are excluded
INFOCould not find core metadata elements through generic SPARQL query on RDF but found 6 triples in the given graph
SUCCESSFound RDFa metadata -: dict_keys(['object_type'])
INFOTrying to retrieve Highwire and eprints metadata from html page
INFOHighwire or eprints metadata UNAVAILABLE
INFOTrying to retrieve OpenGraph metadata from html page
INFOFound OpenGraph metadata-: dict_keys(['title', 'object_identifier', 'object_type'])
SUCCESSFound OpenGraph metadata -: dict_keys(['title', 'object_identifier', 'object_type'])
INFOTrying to identify Typed Links to data items in html page
INFOStarting to identify EXTERNAL metadata through content negotiation or typed (signposting) links
INFOTrying to retrieve XML metadata through content negotiation from URL -:
INFORetrieving page -: as application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5
INFOContent negotiation on accept=application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOIgnoring HTML response
INFOTrying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -:
INFOExpected XML but content negotiation responded -: MetadataFormats.HTML
INFOCould not identify metadata properties in XML
INFOTrying to retrieve XML metadata through content negotiation from URL -:
INFORetrieving page -: as application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5
INFOContent negotiation on accept=application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOIgnoring HTML response
INFOTrying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -:
INFOExpected XML but content negotiation responded -: MetadataFormats.HTML
INFOCould not identify metadata properties in XML
INFOTrying to retrieve JSON-LD metadata through content negotiation from URL -:
INFORetrieving page -: as application/ld+json
INFOContent negotiation on accept=application/ld+json, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOTry to parse RDF (JSON-LD) from -:
INFOTry to parse JSON-LD using JMESPath retrieved as dict from -:
INFOTrying to extract JSON-LD metadata from -: SCHEMAORG_NEGOTIATED
INFOFound JSON-LD which seems to be valid, based on the given context type -:['Dataset']
INFOMetadata property differs from metadata previously offered in a different formats -: title: EFSM20 vs. European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): online
SUCCESSFound metadata through content negotiation-: dict_keys(['title', 'object_type', 'publication_date', 'creator', 'creator_first', 'creator_last', 'publisher', 'license', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'related_resources', 'language'])
INFOTrying to retrieve JSON-LD metadata through content negotiation from URL -:
INFORetrieving page -: as application/ld+json
INFOContent negotiation on accept=application/ld+json, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOIgnoring HTML response metadata through content negotiation UNAVAILABLE
INFOTrying to retrieve RDF metadata through content negotiation from URL -:
INFORetrieving page -: as text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json
WARNINGRequest failed, status code -:, text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json - 422
WARNINGNo response received from -:, text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json
INFOLinked Data metadata UNAVAILABLE
INFOTrying to retrieve RDF metadata through content negotiation from URL -:
INFORetrieving page -: as text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json
INFOContent negotiation on accept=text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOIgnoring HTML response
INFOTry to parse RDF from -: as turtle
WARNINGFailed to parse RDF -: exactly one of source, location, file or data must be given
INFORetrieving page -: as text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json
WARNINGRequest failed, status code -:, text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json - 422
WARNINGNo response received from -:, text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json
INFOTry to parse RDF from -: as turtle
WARNINGFailed to parse RDF -: exactly one of source, location, file or data must be given
INFOLinked Data metadata UNAVAILABLE
INFOTrying to retrieve datacite metadata
INFORetrieving page -: as application/vnd.datacite.datacite+json
INFOContent negotiation on accept=application/vnd.datacite.datacite+json, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
SUCCESSFound Datacite metadata -: dict_keys(['object_identifier', 'object_type', 'creator', 'creator_first', 'creator_last', 'publisher', 'contributor', 'right_holder', 'title', 'keywords', 'publication_date', 'license', 'summary', 'related_resources', 'datacite_client', 'access_level', 'language'])
INFOMetadata property differs from metadata previously offered in a different formats -: title: EFSM20 vs. European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): online
INFOFound typed link or signposting link but will ignore (can't handle) mime type -:application/x-research-info-systems
INFOFound e.g. Typed Links in HTML Header linking to XML Metadata -: (application/vnd.iso19139.metadata+xml
INFORetrieving page -: as application/vnd.iso19139.metadata+xml,application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5
INFOContent negotiation on accept=application/vnd.iso19139.metadata+xml,application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOFound XML document!
INFOTrying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -:
INFOFound some XML properties, trying to identify (domain) specific format to parse
INFOIdentified ISO 19115 XML based on root tag
INFOFound some metadata in XML -: dict_keys(['title', 'publication_date', 'object_identifier', 'creator', 'summary', 'keywords', 'publisher', 'object_type', 'access_level', 'license', 'language', 'object_content_identifier'])
INFOMetadata property differs from metadata previously offered in a different formats -: title: EFSM20 vs. ['European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): onlin
SUCCESSFound XML metadata through typed links-: dict_keys(['title', 'publication_date', 'object_identifier', 'creator', 'summary', 'keywords', 'publisher', 'object_type', 'access_level', 'license', 'language', 'object_content_identifier'])
INFOFound e.g. Typed Links in HTML Header linking to XML Metadata -: (application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml
INFORetrieving page -: as application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml,application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5
INFOContent negotiation on accept=application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml,application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOTrying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -:
INFOExpected XML but content negotiation responded -: MetadataFormats.JSON
INFOCould not identify metadata properties in XML
INFOFound e.g. Typed Links in HTML Header linking to XML Metadata -: (application/vnd.nasa.dif-metadata+xml
INFORetrieving page -: as application/vnd.nasa.dif-metadata+xml,application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5
INFOContent negotiation on accept=application/vnd.nasa.dif-metadata+xml,application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOFound XML document!
INFOTrying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -:
INFOFound OGC CSW GetRecordByIdResponse type XML envelope, unpacking metadata element for further processing
INFOFound some XML properties, trying to identify (domain) specific format to parse
INFOIdentified Directory Interchange Format (DIF) XML based on root tag
INFOFound some metadata in XML -: dict_keys(['related_resources', 'access_level', 'related_resource'])
SUCCESSFound XML metadata through typed links-: dict_keys(['related_resources', 'access_level', 'related_resource'])
INFOFound typed link or signposting link but will ignore (can't handle) mime type -:application/x-bibtex
INFOFound e.g. Typed Links in HTML Header linking to RDF Metadata -: (application/ld+json
INFORetrieving page -: as text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json
INFOContent negotiation on accept=text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json, status=200
INFOCreating Cached response content
INFOTry to parse RDF (JSON-LD) from -:
INFOTry to parse JSON-LD using JMESPath retrieved as dict from -:
INFOTrying to extract JSON-LD metadata from -: RDF_SIGNPOSTING_LINKS
INFOFound JSON-LD which seems to be valid, based on the given context type -:['Dataset']
SUCCESSFound Linked Data (RDF) metadata -: dict_keys(['title', 'object_type', 'publication_date', 'creator', 'creator_first', 'creator_last', 'publisher', 'license', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'related_resources', 'language'])
INFOMetadata property differs from metadata previously offered in a different formats -: title: EFSM20 vs. European Fault-Source Model 2020 (EFSM20): online
INFOType of object described by the metadata -: ['', 'Other', 'article', 'Dataset', 'dataset', 'vector']
INFOTesting if any metadata has been made available via common web standards
INFOFound some descriptive metadata elements -: dict_keys(['object_identifier', 'license', 'access_level', 'object_type', 'title', 'publication_date', 'creator', 'publisher', 'summary', 'keywords', 'related_resources', 'language', 'contributor', 'right_holder', 'datacite_client', 'object_content_identifier'])
SUCCESSFound required core citation metadata elements -: ['creator', 'title', 'object_identifier', 'publication_date', 'publisher', 'object_type']
INFOWill exclusively consider community specific metadata properties which are specified in metrics -: {'name': ['creator', 'title', 'object_identifier', 'publication_date', 'publisher', 'object_type', 'summary', 'keywords']}
SUCCESSFound required core descriptive metadata elements -: ['creator', 'title', 'object_identifier', 'publication_date', 'publisher', 'object_type', 'summary', 'keywords']

FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
    "object_identifier_included": null,
    "object_content_identifier_included": [
            "content_identifier_included": {
                "url": "https:\/\/\/efsm20",
                "size": null,
                "type": null
            "content_identifier_included": {
                "url": "https:\/\/\/EFSM20\/ows?service=WFS&request=getCapabilities",
                "size": null,
                "type": null
            "content_identifier_included": {
                "url": "https:\/\/\/EFSM20\/ows?service=WMS&request=getCapabilities",
                "size": null,
                "type": null
            "content_identifier_included": {
                "url": "http:\/\/",
                "size": null,
                "type": null
            "content_identifier_included": {
                "url": "https:\/\/\/efsm20",
                "size": null,
                "type": null
            "content_identifier_included": {
                "url": "https:\/\/\/EFSM20\/ows?service=WFS&request=getCapabilities",
                "size": null,
                "type": null
            "content_identifier_included": {
                "url": "https:\/\/\/EFSM20\/ows?service=WMS&request=getCapabilities",
                "size": null,
                "type": null
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-F3-01M-1Metadata contains data content related information (file name, size, type)0.51
test target:
specifically: type, size
condition: all of specified members of test target
tested on:
FsF-F3-01M-2Metadata contains a PID or URL which indicates the location of the downloadable data content0.53
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
tested on:
Debug messages:
INFOFound data links in MetadataFormats.XML metadata -: 7
SUCCESSNumber of object content identifier found -: 7
WARNINGFound more than -: 5 data links (out of 7) of type None will only take 5 for content analysis

FAIR level:
3 of 3
2 of 2
    "search_mechanisms": [
            "mechanism": "structured data",
            "mechanism_info": [
                "dublin-core via: html_embedding",
                "schemaorg via: microdata_rdfa"
            "mechanism": "metadata registry",
            "mechanism_info": [
                "DataCite Registry"
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-F4-01M-1Metadata is given in a way major search engines can ingest it for their catalogues (JSON-LD, Dublin Core, RDFa)13
test target:
specifically: name→dublin-core, schemaorg, dcat-data-catalog-vocabulary
condition: any of specified members of test target

test target:
specifically: name→html_embedding, microdata_rdfa
condition: any of specified members of test target
FsF-F4-01M-2Metadata is registered in major research data registries (DataCite)12
Debug messages:
INFOWill exclusively consider community specific metadata standards for FsF-F4-01M-1 which are specified in metrics -: ['dublin-core', 'schemaorg', 'dcat-data-catalog-vocabulary']
INFOWill exclusively consider community specific metadata offering methods for FsF-F4-01M-1 which are specified in metrics -: ['html_embedding', 'microdata_rdfa']
SUCCESSMetadata is offered in a way major search engines can ingest it -: ['dublin-core via: html_embedding', 'schemaorg via: microdata_rdfa']
INFOQuerying DataCite API for -:10.13127/efsm20
INFOFound identifier in DataCite catalogue -:10.13127/efsm20
INFODataset already found in registry therefore skipping Google Dataset Search Cache query
INFODataset already found in registry therefore skipping Mendeley Data query
SUCCESSMetadata found through - metadata registry


FAIR level:
3 of 3
2 of 2
        "serialization_format": "RDFa",
        "source": "structured_data",
        "is_metadata_found": true
        "serialization_format": "RDF",
        "source": "typed_link",
        "is_metadata_found": true
        "serialization_format": "JSON-LD",
        "source": "content_negotiate",
        "is_metadata_found": true
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-I1-01M-1Parsable, structured metadata (JSON-LD, RDFa) is embedded in the landing page XHTML/HTML code12
test target:
specifically: name→RDF, JSON-LD, RDFa
condition: any of specified members of test target

test target:
specifically: name→html_embedding, microdata_rdfa
condition: any of specified members of test target
FsF-I1-01M-2Parsable, graph data (RDF, JSON-LD) is accessible through content negotiation, typed links or sparql endpoint13
test target:
specifically: name→RDF, JSON-LD, RDFa
condition: any of specified members of test target

test target:
specifically: name→content_negotiation
condition: any of specified members of test target

test target:
specifically: name→sparql
condition: any of specified members of test target
Debug messages:
INFOCheck of structured data (RDF serialization) embedded in the data page
INFORDFa serialization found in the data page - RDFa
SUCCESSFound structured data (RDF serialization) in the data page
INFOCheck if RDF-based typed link included
INFORDF graph retrieved via typed link, content type - RDF
INFOCheck if RDF metadata available through content negotiation
INFOJSON-LD graph retrieved through content negotiation, content type - JSON-LD
SUCCESSFound RDF content through content negotiation or typed links

FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
        "namespace": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gmx",
        "is_namespace_active": true
        "namespace": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gmd",
        "is_namespace_active": true
        "namespace": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gmd\/metadataEntity.xsd",
        "is_namespace_active": true
        "namespace": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gss",
        "is_namespace_active": true
        "namespace": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gco",
        "is_namespace_active": true
        "namespace": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gts",
        "is_namespace_active": true
        "namespace": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gsr",
        "is_namespace_active": true
        "namespace": "https:\/\/\/2005\/resources\/Codelist\/gmxCodelists.xml",
        "is_namespace_active": true
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-I2-01M-1Vocabulary namespace URIs can be identified in metadata01
comment: The sheer existence of namespaces declared in XML or RDF files is checked here. This test is not scored
FsF-I2-01M-2Namespaces of known semantic resources can be identified in metadata13
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
Debug messages:
INFORemoving default namespaces from 36 vocabulary namespaces found in structured metadata
INFODefault vocabulary namespace(s) excluded -: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
INFORemoving default namespaces from 2 vocabulary namespaces extracted from links found in metadata
INFOCheck if known namespace(s) are used in structured metadata (RDF, XML) which exist(s) in a LOD registry -: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
INFOCheck if known namespace(s) are used in linked property URIs which exist(s) in a LOD registry -: ['', '']
SUCCESSNamespace matches found -: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
WARNINGVocabulary namespace(s) or URIs specified but no match is found in LOD reference list (examples) -: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']

FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
        "related_resource": "https:\/\/\/10.6092\/",
        "relation_type": "references"
        "related_resource": "10.6092\/",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.13127\/diss3.3.0",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.15160\/unife\/gredass\/0200",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.5281\/zenodo.6326260",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.1038\/s41598-017-09074-8",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "https:\/\/\/QAFI",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.1594\/pangaea.940100",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.1007\/s10518-017-0096-8",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.1785\/0120120037",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.5194\/nhess-17-1573-2017",
        "relation_type": "References"
        "related_resource": "10.12686\/a15",
        "relation_type": "IsDocumentedBy"
        "related_resource": "http:\/\/\/export\/sites\/sera\/home\/.galleries\/Deliverables\/SERA_D25.2_UpdatedDBs.pdf",
        "relation_type": "IsDocumentedBy"
        "related_resource": "https:\/\/\/efsm20",
        "resource_type": "related"
        "related_resource": "https:\/\/\/EFSM20\/ows?service=WFS&request=getCapabilities",
        "resource_type": "related"
        "related_resource": "https:\/\/\/EFSM20\/ows?service=WMS&request=getCapabilities",
        "resource_type": "related"
        "related_resource": "https:\/\/\/10.6092\/",
        "relation_type": "references"
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-I3-01M-1Related resources are explicitly mentioned in metadata12
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
tested on:
comment: The presence of a (typed, default = related) related resource is checked, can be a string or URI
FsF-I3-01M-2Related resources are indicated by machine readable links or identifiers13
comment: same as above but relations have to be machine readable/actionable
Debug messages:
INFONo related resource(s) found in DublinCore metadata
INFO1 related resource(s) extracted from -: SCHEMAORG_NEGOTIATED
INFO12 related resource(s) extracted from -: DATACITE_JSON_NEGOTIATED
INFO1 related resource(s) extracted from -: RDF_SIGNPOSTING_LINKS
SUCCESSNumber of related resources found in metadata -: 17


FAIR level:
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1 of 4
    "object_type": "dataset",
    "data_content_descriptor": []
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-R1-01MD-1Minimal information about available data content is given in metadata11
  aResource type (e.g. dataset) is given in metadata0
  bInformation about data content (e.g. links) is given in metadata0
FsF-R1-01MD-2Verifiable data descriptors (file info, measured variables or observation types) are specified in metadata0
  aFile size and type information are specified in metadata0
  bMeasured variables or observation types are specified in metadata0
FsF-R1-01MD-3Data content matches file type and size specified in metadata0
FsF-R1-01MD-4Data content matches measured variables or observation types specified in metadata0
Debug messages:
INFOSuccessfully parsed data object file using TIKA
INFOFile request status code -: 200
INFOSuccesfully parsed data file(s) -:
INFOSuccessfully parsed data object file using TIKA
INFOFile request status code -: 200
INFOSuccesfully parsed data file(s) -:
INFOSuccessfully parsed data object file using TIKA
INFOFile request status code -: 200
INFOSuccesfully parsed data file(s) -:
INFOObject landing page accessible status -: True
SUCCESSValid resource type (e.g. subtype of, DCMI Type or DataCite resourceType) specified -: article
WARNINGInvalid resource type (e.g. subtype of, DCMI Type or DataCite resourceType) specified -: other
SUCCESSValid resource type (e.g. subtype of, DCMI Type or DataCite resourceType) specified -: article
SUCCESSValid resource type (e.g. subtype of, DCMI Type or DataCite resourceType) specified -: dataset
SUCCESSValid resource type (e.g. subtype of, DCMI Type or DataCite resourceType) specified -: dataset
WARNINGInvalid resource type (e.g. subtype of, DCMI Type or DataCite resourceType) specified -: vector
WARNINGNO info about file type available in given metadata -:
WARNINGNO measured variables found in metadata, skip 'measured_variable' test.
WARNINGNO info about file type available in given metadata -:
WARNINGNO measured variables found in metadata, skip 'measured_variable' test.
WARNINGNO info about file type available in given metadata -:
WARNINGNO measured variables found in metadata, skip 'measured_variable' test.
WARNINGNO info about file type available in given metadata -:
WARNINGNO measured variables found in metadata, skip 'measured_variable' test.

FAIR level:
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2 of 2
        "license": "https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/4.0\/",
        "osi_approved": true,
        "details_url": "https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/4.0\/"
        "license": "https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/4.0",
        "osi_approved": true,
        "details_url": "https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/4.0"
        "license": "Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)",
        "osi_approved": false,
        "details_url": "http:\/\/\/licenses\/CC-BY-4.0.html"
        "license": "no limitations to public access",
        "osi_approved": false,
        "details_url": null
        "license": "http:\/\/\/resource\/authority\/licence\/CC_BY",
        "osi_approved": false,
        "details_url": null
        "license": "http:\/\/\/metadata-codelist\/LimitationsOnPublicAccess\/noLimitations",
        "osi_approved": false,
        "details_url": null
        "license": "https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/4.0",
        "osi_approved": true,
        "details_url": "https:\/\/\/licenses\/by\/4.0"
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-R1.1-01M-1Licence information is given in an appropriate metadata element11
FsF-R1.1-01M-2Recognized licence is valid (community specific or registered at SPDX)13
Debug messages:
INFOLicense metadata found ( -:
INFOLicense metadata found ( -:
INFOLicense expressed as access condition (rights), therefore moved from FsF-A1-01M -:
INFOFound CreativeCommons license -:
SUCCESSFound SPDX license representation (spdx url, osi_approved)
INFOFound CreativeCommons license -:
SUCCESSFound SPDX license representation (spdx url, osi_approved)
INFOLicense verification name through SPDX registry -: Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International (CC BY 4.0)
INFOFound SPDX license representation -:
SUCCESSFound SPDX license representation (spdx url, osi_approved)
INFOLicense verification name through SPDX registry -: no limitations to public access
WARNINGNO SPDX license representation (spdx url, osi_approved) found
INFOVerify URL through SPDX registry -:
WARNINGNO SPDX license representation (spdx url, osi_approved) found
INFOVerify URL through SPDX registry -:
WARNINGNO SPDX license representation (spdx url, osi_approved) found
INFOFound CreativeCommons license -:
SUCCESSFound SPDX license representation (spdx url, osi_approved)
SUCCESSFound licence information in metadata
INFOWill consider all SPDX licenses as community specific licenses for FsF-R1.1-01M

FAIR level:
2 of 3
1 of 2
    "provenance_metadata_included": {
        "is_available": true,
        "provenance_metadata": [
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:generatedAtTime",
                "metadata_element": "publication_date",
                "metadata_value": "2022-10-25"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo",
                "metadata_element": "creator",
                "metadata_value": [
                    "Eul\u00e0lia Gr\u00e0cia",
                    "Jo\u00e3o C. Duarte",
                    "Herv\u00e9 Jomard",
                    "Carolina Canora",
                    "Hector Perea",
                    "Roberto Vallone",
                    "Roberto Basili",
                    "Jure Atanackov",
                    "Vanja Kastelic",
                    "Marta Neres",
                    "Mara Monica Tiberti",
                    "C\u00e9line Beauval",
                    "Susana Pires Vilanova",
                    "Juli\u00e1n Garc\u00eda-Mayordomo",
                    "Kris Vanneste",
                    "Laurentiu Danciu",
                    "Sara Mart\u00ednez-Loriente",
                    "Barbara Sket-Motnikar",
                    "Varvara Tsironi",
                    "Pierre Arroucau",
                    "Polona Zupan\u010di\u010d",
                    "Athanassios Ganas",
                    "Michele Matteo Cosimo Carafa",
                    "St\u00e9phane Baize",
                    "Raquel Mart\u00edn-Banda",
                    "Laura G\u00f3mez de la Pe\u00f1a",
                    "Nino Tsereteli",
                    "Francesco Emanuele Maesano",
                    "Susana Cust\u00f3dio",
                    "Shota Adamia",
                    "Riccardo Caputo",
                    "Edward Marc Cushing",
                    "Karin Sesetyan",
                    "Petra Jam\u0161ek Rupnik",
                    "Mine Bet\u00fcl Demircioglu Tumsa",
                    "Arroucau, Pierre",
                    "Garc\u00eda-Mayordomo, Juli\u00e1n",
                    "Carafa, Michele Matteo Cosimo",
                    "Jam\u0161ek Rupnik, Petra",
                    "Perea, Hector",
                    "Zupan\u010di\u010d, Polona",
                    "Kastelic, Vanja",
                    "Neres, Marta",
                    "Caputo, Riccardo",
                    "Danciu, Laurentiu",
                    "Mart\u00ednez-Loriente, Sara",
                    "Tsironi, Varvara",
                    "Tiberti, Mara Monica",
                    "Adamia, Shota",
                    "Atanackov, Jure",
                    "Sesetyan, Karin",
                    "Jomard, Herv\u00e9",
                    "Gr\u00e0cia, Eul\u00e0lia",
                    "Duarte, Jo\u00e3o C.",
                    "Demircioglu Tumsa, Mine Bet\u00fcl",
                    "Basili, Roberto",
                    "G\u00f3mez de la Pe\u00f1a, Laura",
                    "Beauval, C\u00e9line",
                    "Canora, Carolina",
                    "Vilanova, Susana Pires",
                    "Baize, St\u00e9phane",
                    "Sket-Motnikar, Barbara",
                    "Ganas, Athanassios",
                    "Cushing, Edward Marc",
                    "Vallone, Roberto",
                    "Mart\u00edn-Banda, Raquel",
                    "Maesano, Francesco Emanuele",
                    "Cust\u00f3dio, Susana",
                    "Vanneste, Kris",
                    "Tsereteli, Nino",
                    "Maesano, Francesco",
                    "Tiberti, Mara"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo",
                "metadata_element": "publisher",
                "metadata_value": [
                    "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)",
                        "name": "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)"
                    "Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia - INGV",
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo",
                "metadata_element": "contributor",
                "metadata_value": "Basili, Roberto, Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo",
                "metadata_element": "right_holder",
                "metadata_value": "{'name': 'Istituto Nazionale di Geofisica e Vulcanologia (INGV)', 'nameType': 'Organizational', 'contributorType': 'RightsHolder', 'nameIdentifiers': [{'nameIdentifier': 'https:\/\/\/00qps9a02', 'nameIdentifierScheme': 'ROR'}]}"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.6092\/"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.13127\/diss3.3.0"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.15160\/unife\/gredass\/0200"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.5281\/zenodo.6326260"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.1038\/s41598-017-09074-8"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "https:\/\/\/QAFI"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.1594\/pangaea.940100"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.1007\/s10518-017-0096-8"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.1785\/0120120037"
                "prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasDerivedFrom",
                "metadata_element": "related.References",
                "metadata_value": "10.5194\/nhess-17-1573-2017"
    "structured_provenance_available": {
        "is_available": false,
        "provenance_metadata": []
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-R1.2-01M-1Metadata contains elements which hold provenance information and can be mapped to PROV12
FsF-R1.2-01M-2Metadata contains provenance information using formal provenance ontologies (PROV-O)0
Debug messages:
INFOCheck if provenance information is available in descriptive metadata
INFOCheck if provenance information is available in metadata about related resources
SUCCESSFound data creation-related provenance information
INFOCheck if provenance specific namespaces are listed in metadata
WARNINGFormal provenance metadata is unavailable

FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
        "metadata_standard": "Dublin Core",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/dc\/elements\/1.1\/",
        "subject_areas": [
        "type": "generic",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "Dublin Core",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/dc\/terms\/",
        "subject_areas": [
        "type": "generic",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/",
        "subject_areas": [
        "type": "generic",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gmx",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gmd",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gss",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gco",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "Geography Markup Language",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/gml",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "Catalogue Service for the Web",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/cat\/csw\/2.0.2",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "natural sciences"
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "DIF (Directory Interchange Format)",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/Aboutus\/xml\/dif\/",
        "subject_areas": [
            "marine biology",
            "natural sciences",
            "agricultural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/2005\/srv",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gts",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/2005\/gsr",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "DIF (Directory Interchange Format)",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/Aboutus\/xml\/dif\/dif.xsd",
        "subject_areas": [
            "marine biology",
            "natural sciences",
            "agricultural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
        "metadata_standard": "Geography Markup Language",
        "url": "http:\/\/\/gml\/3.2",
        "subject_areas": [
            "earth and related environmental sciences",
            "physical geography",
            "natural sciences",
        "type": "disciplinary",
        "source": [
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-R1.3-01M-1Community specific metadata standard is detected using namespaces or schemas found in provided metadata or metadata services outputs13
test target:
specifically: field_of_science→science, generic
condition: any except of specified members of test target
comment: test performed on namespaces or schemas found in exposed metadata
FsF-R1.3-01M-2Community specific metadata standard is listed in the re3data record of the responsible repository0
test target:
specifically: field_of_science→science, generic
condition: any except of specified members of test target
comment: test is performed using information collected from re3data
FsF-R1.3-01M-3Multidisciplinary but community endorsed metadata (RDA Metadata Standards Catalog, fairsharing) standard is listed in the re3data record or detected by namespace11
test target:
specifically: field_of_science→science, genericsource→,
condition: any of specified members of test target
Debug messages:
INFOFound OpenSearch link in HTML head (link rel=search) -:
INFOre3data/datacite client id -: crui.ingv
WARNINGNo DOI of client id is available from datacite api
INFONamespaces included in the metadata -: ['', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '']
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : ISO 19115 -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : ISO 19115 -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : ISO 19115 -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : ISO 19115 -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : Geography Markup Language -
INFOFound non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) -: via ns: Dublin Core -
INFOFound non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) -: via ns: Dublin Core -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : Catalogue Service for the Web -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : OpenSearch -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : DIF (Directory Interchange Format) -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : ISO 19115 -
INFOFound non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) -: via ns: -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : ISO 19115 -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : ISO 19115 -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : DIF (Directory Interchange Format) -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : Geography Markup Language -
INFOFound disciplinary standard -: via ns : The Open Graph protocol metadata format -
INFOFound metadata standards that are given as namespaces -: {'DIF (Directory Interchange Format)', 'Geography Markup Language', 'ISO 19115', 'Catalogue Service for the Web'}
INFORetrieving API and Standards
INFOTrying to retrieve metadata info from re3data/datacite services using client id -: crui.ingv
INFOInferring metadata service endpoint (OAI, SPARQL) information and listed metadata formats through re3data/datacite services
INFOMetadata standards listed in re3data record -: []
WARNINGNO valid OAI-PMH endpoint found
SUCCESSFound non-disciplinary standards (but RDA listed) using namespaces or schemas found in re3data record or via provided metadata or metadata services outputs
SUCCESSFound disciplinary standard using namespaces or schemas found in provided metadata or metadata services outputs

FAIR level:
2 of 3
1 of 1
        "file_uri": "https:\/\/\/efsm20",
        "mime_type": "text\/html",
        "is_preferred_format": false,
        "preference_reason": [],
        "subject_areas": []
        "file_uri": "https:\/\/\/EFSM20\/ows?service=WFS&request=getCapabilities",
        "mime_type": "application\/xml",
        "is_preferred_format": true,
        "preference_reason": [
            "generic science format",
            "long term format",
            "open format"
        "subject_areas": [
        "file_uri": "https:\/\/\/EFSM20\/ows?service=WMS&request=getCapabilities",
        "mime_type": "text\/xml",
        "is_preferred_format": true,
        "preference_reason": [
            "generic science format",
            "long term format",
            "open format"
        "subject_areas": [
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-R1.3-02D-1The format of a data file given in the metadata is listed in the long term file formats, open file formats or scientific file formats controlled list1
  aThe format of the data file is an open format01
  bThe format of the data file is a long term format02
  cThe format of the data file is a scientific format0
Debug messages:
INFOData content identifier provided -: ['', '', '', '']
INFONo mime type given in metadata, therefore the mime type given in HTTP header is used -: text/html
INFOFound mime type in metadata -: text/html
INFONo mime type given in metadata, therefore the mime type given in HTTP header is used -: application/xml
INFOFound mime type in metadata -: application/xml
INFONo mime type given in metadata, therefore the mime type given in HTTP header is used -: text/xml
INFOFound mime type in metadata -: text/xml
INFONo mime type given in metadata, therefore the mime type given in HTTP header is used -: text/html
INFOFound mime type in metadata -: text/html
SUCCESSCould identify a file format commonly used by the scientific community -:application/xml
SUCCESSCould identify a file format commonly used by the scientific community -:text/xml


FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
    "access_level": "public",
    "access_details": {
        "access_condition": "info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess"
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-A1-01M-1Information about access restrictions or rights can be identified in metadata0.51
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
FsF-A1-01M-3Data access information is indicated by (not machine readable) standard terms0
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
tested on:
comment: label and id
FsF-A1-01M-2Data access information is machine readable13
test target:
condition: any of members of test target
tested on:
comment: identifier (namespace)
Debug messages:
INFOLicense verification name through SPDX registry -: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
INFOAccess condition does not look like license, therefore continuing -: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
INFOFound CreativeCommons license -:
WARNINGAccess condition looks like license, therefore the following is ignored -:
INFOLicense verification name through SPDX registry -: otherRestrictions
INFOAccess condition does not look like license, therefore continuing -: otherRestrictions
INFOFound access rights information in dedicated metadata element -: ['info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess', 'otherRestrictions']
INFOAccess right information specified -: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess
INFOStandardized actionable access level recognized as -:public
SUCCESSAccess level to data could successfully be determined -: public

FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
    "standard_data_protocol": {
        "http": {
            "name": "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol"
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-A1-03D-1Metadata includes a resolvable link to data based on standardized web communication protocols.13
Debug messages:
SUCCESSStandard protocol for access to data object found -: http

FAIR level:
3 of 3
1 of 1
    "standard_metadata_protocol": {
        "https": {
            "name": "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure"
Metric tests:
Test:Test name:Score:Maturity:Result:
FsF-A1-02M-1Landing page link is based on standardized web communication protocols.13
Debug messages:
SUCCESSStandard protocol for access to metadata found -: https