FAIR level: | advanced |
Resource PID/URL: | 10.14470/TR560404 |
DataCite support: | enabled |
Metric Version: | metrics_v0.5 |
Metric Specification: | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4081213 |
Software version: | 2.2.5 |
Download saved assessment results: | {JSON} |
Save and share assessment results: | Saved assessments: |
Score earned: | Fair level: | |
Findable: | 7 of 7 |
advanced |
Accessible: | 2 of 3 |
moderate |
Interoperable: | 3 of 4 |
advanced |
Reusable: | 4 of 10 |
moderate |
"guid": "10.14470\/TR560404",
"guid_scheme": "doi"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F1-01D-1 | Identifier is resolvable and follows a defined unique identifier syntax (IRI, URL) | 1 | 3 | |
FsF-F1-01D-2 | Identifier is not resolvable but follows an UUID or HASH type syntax | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Using idutils schemes |
SUCCESS | Unique identifier schemes found ['doi', 'handle'] |
INFO | Finalized unique identifier scheme - doi |
"pid": "['https:\/\/doi.org\/10.14470\/TR560404', 'https:\/\/doi.org\/10.14470\/tr560404']",
"pid_scheme": "['doi', 'doi']",
"resolvable_status": true,
"resolved_url": "https:\/\/geofon.gfz-potsdam.de\/doi\/network\/GE"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F1-02D-1 | Identifier follows a defined persistent identifier syntax | 0.5 | 1 | |
FsF-F1-02D-2 | Persistent identifier is resolvable | 0.5 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 as text/html, */* |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://doi.org/10.14470/tr560404 as text/html, */* |
INFO | Verified PID found in metadata since it is resolving to user input URL domain |
INFO | Found object identifier (cite-as) in signposting links -:https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | PID schemes-based assessment supported by the assessment service - ['ark', 'arxiv', 'bioproject', 'biosample', 'doi', 'ensembl', 'genome', 'gnd', 'handle', 'lsid', 'pmid', 'pmcid', 'purl', 'refseq', 'sra', 'uniprot', 'urn', 'identifiers.org', 'w3id'] |
SUCCESS | Persistence identifier scheme -: doi |
"core_metadata_found": {
"creator": "GEOFON Data Centre",
"keywords": "In Situ\/Laboratory Instruments > Magnetic\/Motion Sensors > Seismometers, In Situ Land-based Platforms > GEOPHYSICAL STATIONS\/NETWORKS",
"object_identifier": [
"object_type": "Dataset",
"publication_date": "1993",
"publisher": "Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ",
"summary": "GEOFON (GEOFOrschungsNetz) is the global seismological broad-band network operated by the German GeoForschungsZentrum (GFZ). The GEOFON seismic network came into being in 1993 as one of the three pillars of the GEOFON program dedicated to Ernst von Rebeur-Paschwitz, proposer of a global earthquake monitoring system, who recorded the first teleseismic seismogram in Potsdam in 1889. The program and its seismic network were created to provide high quality broad-band data for scientific use and foster common standards in the seismological community. The network has evolved towards real-time data acquisition and distribution while keeping the high quality broad-band data in focus. Today the network plays a leading role in global real-time seismology providing valuable data for almost all fundamental and applied global\/regional seismological research projects at GFZ and the wider seismological community. The GEOFON network is operated jointly with more than 50 international partners and in 2014 consists of about 80 active stations on all continents, but concentrated in Europe and the Mediterranean region as well as in the Indian Ocean. Station operation is mostly performed by local partners with GFZ guidance and logistic support, allowing the global network to be well-advanced technically while still extremely cost-effective. All stations are equipped with broad-band sensors (generally STS-2) that allow resolution of the complete seismic spectrum from small high-frequency local earthquakes to the largest global earthquakes. Data from all stations are freely redistributed in real-time for earthquake monitoring and tsunami warning centers immediately after acquisition at the GEOFON data centre via wired or satellite links. Archived data is also available. GEOFON is part of the Modular Earth Science Infrastructure (MESI) housed at GFZ.",
"title": "GEOFON Seismic Network"
"core_metadata_source": [
"Datacite Search",
"Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated)",
"Generic XML, Typed Links",
"core_metadata_status": "all metadata"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F2-01M-1 | Metadata has been made available via common web methods | 0.5 | 1 | |
a | Metadata is embedded in the landing page XHTML/HTML code | |||
b | Metadata is accessible through content negotiation | |||
c | Metadata is accessible via typed links | |||
d | Metadata is accessible via signposting links | |||
FsF-F2-01M-2 | Core data citation metadata is available | 0.5 | 2 | |
FsF-F2-01M-3 | Core descriptive metadata is available | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Trying to resolve input URL -: 10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 accept=text/html, */*, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Starting to analyse EMBEDDED metadata at -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Trying to identify EMBEDDED Microdata, OpenGraph or JSON -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve schema.org JSON-LD metadata from html page |
INFO | Try to parse RDF (JSON-LD) from -: landing page |
INFO | schema.org JSON-LD metadata in html page UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve Highwire and eprints metadata from html page |
INFO | Highwire or eprints metadata UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve Dublin Core metadata from html page |
INFO | DublinCore metadata UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve Microdata metadata from html page |
INFO | Could not identify Microdata metadata |
INFO | Trying to retrieve RDFa metadata from html page |
INFO | Found RDF Graph which was sucessfully parsed |
INFO | Trying to identify namespaces in RDF Graph |
INFO | Could not find DCAT, schema.org or SKOS/OWL metadata, continuing with generic SPARQL |
INFO | Trying to query generic SPARQL on RDF, found triples: -:6 |
INFO | Found RDFa like triples but at least some of them seem to be XHTML or OpenGraph properties which are excluded |
INFO | Trying to retrieve OpenGraph metadata from html page |
INFO | OpenGraph metadata UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to identify Typed Links to data items in html page |
INFO | Starting to identify EXTERNAL metadata through content negotiation or typed (signposting) links |
INFO | Trying to retrieve XML metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE as application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5 |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE accept=application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Trying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Expected XML but content negotiation responded -: html |
INFO | Could not identify metadata properties in XML |
INFO | Trying to retrieve XML metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE as application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5 |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE accept=application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Trying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Expected XML but content negotiation responded -: html |
INFO | Could not identify metadata properties in XML |
INFO | Trying to retrieve schema.org JSON-LD metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 as application/ld+json |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 accept=application/ld+json, status=200 |
INFO | Try to parse RDF (JSON-LD) from -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Try to parse JSON-LD using JMESPath retrieved as dict from -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Trying to extract schema.org JSON-LD metadata from -: Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated) |
INFO | Found schema.org JSON-LD which seems to be valid, based on the given context type -:Dataset |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://doi.org/10.14470/tr560404 accept=text/html, */*, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
SUCCESS | Found Schema.org metadata through content negotiation-: dict_keys(['title', 'object_type', 'publication_date', 'creator', 'publisher', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'language']) |
INFO | Trying to retrieve schema.org JSON-LD metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE as application/ld+json |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE accept=application/ld+json, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Seems to be HTML not RDF, therefore skipped parsing RDF from -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Schema.org metadata through content negotiation UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve RDF metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 as text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json |
WARNING | Request failed, status code -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404, text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json - 422 |
WARNING | No response received from -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404, text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json |
INFO | Linked Data metadata UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve RDF metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE as text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE accept=text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Seems to be HTML not RDF, therefore skipped parsing RDF from -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/doi/network/GE |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 as text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json |
WARNING | Request failed, status code -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404, text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json - 422 |
WARNING | No response received from -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404, text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json |
INFO | Seems to be HTML not RDF, therefore skipped parsing RDF from -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Linked Data metadata UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve datacite metadata |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 as application/vnd.datacite.datacite+json |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://doi.org/10.14470/TR560404 accept=application/vnd.datacite.datacite+json, status=200 |
SUCCESS | Found Datacite metadata -: dict_keys(['object_identifier', 'object_type', 'creator', 'publisher', 'contributor', 'title', 'keywords', 'publication_date', 'data_size', 'data_file_format', 'summary', 'related_resources', 'datacite_client', 'language']) |
INFO | Found e.g. Typed Links in HTML Header linking to XML Metadata -: (application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml https://api.datacite.org/dois/application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml/10.14470/TR560404) |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://api.datacite.org/dois/application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml/10.14470/TR560404 as application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml,application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5 |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://api.datacite.org/dois/application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml/10.14470/TR560404 accept=application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml,application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200 |
INFO | Found XML document! |
INFO | Trying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -: https://api.datacite.org/dois/application/vnd.datacite.datacite+xml/10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Found some XML properties, trying to identify (domain) specific format to parse |
INFO | Identified DataCite XML based on namespace |
INFO | Found some metadata in XML -: dict_keys(['related_resources', 'title', 'creator', 'publication_date', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'publisher', 'summary', 'object_type', 'related_resource', 'related_resource_type', 'language']) |
SUCCESS | Found XML metadata through typed links-: dict_keys(['related_resources', 'title', 'creator', 'publication_date', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'publisher', 'summary', 'object_type', 'related_resource', 'related_resource_type', 'language']) |
INFO | Type of object described by the metadata -: Dataset |
INFO | Testing for required core descriptive metadata elements -: ['creator', 'title', 'publisher', 'publication_date', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'object_type'] |
SUCCESS | Found required core descriptive metadata elements -: ['creator', 'title', 'publisher', 'publication_date', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'object_type'] |
"object_content_identifier_included": [
"content_identifier_included": {
"profile": null,
"rel": "item",
"source": "signposting",
"type": "application\/xml",
"url": "https:\/\/geofon.gfz-potsdam.de\/waveform\/archive\/response\/GE"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F3-01M-1 | Metadata contains data content related information (file name, size, type) | 0.5 | 1 | |
FsF-F3-01M-2 | Metadata contains a PID or URL which indicates the location of the downloadable data content | 0.5 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Found data links in HTML head (link rel=item) -: 1 |
SUCCESS | Number of object content identifier found -: 1 |
WARNING | Content identifier inaccessible -:The read operation timed out |
"search_mechanisms": [
"mechanism": "structured data",
"mechanism_info": [
"Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated)"
"mechanism": "metadata registry",
"mechanism_info": [
"DataCite Registry"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F4-01M-1 | Metadata is given in a way major search engines can ingest it for their catalogues (JSON-LD, Dublin Core, RDFa) | 1 | 3 | |
FsF-F4-01M-2 | Metadata is registered in major research data registries (DataCite) | 1 | 2 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Supported tests of metadata retrieval/extraction -: 'Embedded Highwire or Eprints', 'Embedded DublinCore', 'Embedded OpenGraph', 'Schema.org JSON-LD (Embedded)', 'Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated)', 'Datacite Search', 'Typed Links', 'Signposting Typed Links', 'Generic XML, Typed Links', 'Linked Data (RDF), Typed Links', 'Linked Data (RDF)', 'B2FIND Metadata Aggregator', 'Guessed XML Link', 'Generic XML (Negotiated)', 'Embedded RDFa', 'Embedded Microdata', 'OAI-ORE' |
INFO | Metadata found through - structured data |
INFO | Querying DataCite API for -:10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Found identifier in DataCite catalogue -:10.14470/TR560404 |
INFO | Dataset already found in registry therefore skipping Google Dataset Search Cache query |
INFO | Dataset already found in registry therefore skipping Mendeley Data query |
INFO | Metadata found through - metadata registry |
"access_details": [],
"access_level": null
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-A1-01M-1 | Information about access restrictions or rights can be identified in metadata | |||
FsF-A1-01M-2 | Data access information is machine readable | |||
FsF-A1-01M-3 | Data access information is indicated by (not machine readable) standard terms | |||
Level: | Message: |
WARNING | NO access information is available in metadata |
WARNING | Unable to determine the access level |
"standard_data_protocol": {
"https": "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-A1-03D-1 | Metadata includes a resolvable link to data based on standardized web communication protocols. | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
SUCCESS | Standard protocol for access to data object found: https |
"standard_metadata_protocol": {
"https": "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-A1-02M-1 | Landing page link is based on standardized web communication protocols. | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
SUCCESS | Standard protocol for access to metadata found -: https |
"is_metadata_found": true,
"serialization_format": "JSON-LD",
"source": "content_negotiate"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-I1-01M-1 | Parsable, structured metadata (JSON-LD, RDFa) is embedded in the landing page XHTML/HTML code | |||
FsF-I1-01M-2 | Parsable, graph data (RDF, JSON-LD) is accessible through content negotiation, typed links or sparql endpoint | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Check of structured data (RDF serialization) embedded in the data page |
INFO | NO structured data (RDF serialization) embedded in the data page |
INFO | Check if RDF-based typed link included |
INFO | NO RDF-based typed link found |
INFO | Check if RDF metadata available through content negotiation |
INFO | JSON-LD graph retrieved through content negotiation, content type - JSON-LD |
SUCCESS | Found RDF content through content negotiation or typed links |
WARNING | NO SPARQL endpoint found through re3data based on the object URI provided |
"is_namespace_active": true,
"namespace": "http:\/\/www.isotc211.org\/2005\/gmd\/gmd.xsd"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-I2-01M-1 | Vocabulary namespace URIs can be identified in metadata | 1 | ||
FsF-I2-01M-2 | Namespaces of known semantic resources can be identified in metadata | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Number of vocabulary namespaces extracted from all RDF-based metadata -: 11 |
INFO | Default vocabulary namespace(s) excluded -: ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'http://schema.org', 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'] |
INFO | Check if the remaining namespace(s) exist(s) in a LOD registry -: ['http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.3/metadata.xsd', 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd', 'http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd/gmd.xsd', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/nonexistant/nonexistant.xsd', 'http://gcmd.nasa.gov/Aboutus/xml/dif/dif_v9.8.2.xsd', 'http://datacite.org/schema', 'http://schema.datacite.org/oai/oai-1.0/oai.xsd'] |
SUCCESS | Namespace matches found -: ['http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd/gmd.xsd'] |
WARNING | Vocabulary namespace (s) or URIs specified but no match is found in LOD reference list (examples) -: ['http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.3/metadata.xsd', 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/nonexistant/nonexistant.xsd', 'http://gcmd.nasa.gov/Aboutus/xml/dif/dif_v9.8.2.xsd', 'http://datacite.org/schema', 'http://schema.datacite.org/oai/oai-1.0/oai.xsd'] |
"related_resource": "10.1785\/0220200415",
"resource_type": "IsReferencedBy"
"related_resource": "10.4401\/ag-4196",
"resource_type": "IsReferencedBy"
"related_resource": "10.4401\/ag-4196",
"relation_type": "IsReferencedBy"
"related_resource": "10.1785\/0220200415",
"relation_type": "IsReferencedBy"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-I3-01M-1 | Related resources are explicitly mentioned in metadata | 1 | 2 | |
FsF-I3-01M-2 | Related resources are indicated by machine readable links or identifiers | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | No related resource(s) found in Schema.org metadata |
INFO | 2 related resource(s) extracted from -: Datacite Search |
INFO | Total number of related resources extracted -: 4 |
SUCCESS | Number of related resources after QC step -: 4 |
"data_content_descriptor": [
"descriptor": "file type",
"descriptor_value": "application\/xml",
"matches_content": false
"object_type": "dataset"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1-01MD-1 | Minimal information about available data content is given in metadata | 1 | 1 | |
a | Resource type (e.g. dataset) is given in metadata | |||
b | Information about data content (e.g. links) is given in metadata | |||
FsF-R1-01MD-2 | Verifiable data descriptors (file info, measured variables or observation types) are specified in metadata | |||
a | File size and type information are specified in metadata | |||
b | Measured variables or observation types are specified in metadata | |||
FsF-R1-01MD-3 | Data content matches file type and size specified in metadata | |||
FsF-R1-01MD-4 | Data content matches measured variables or observation types specified in metadata | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Object landing page accessible status -: True |
SUCCESS | Resource type specified -: dataset |
INFO | Number of data content URI(s) specified -: 1 |
INFO | Selected content file to be analyzed -: https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/waveform/archive/response/GE |
WARNING | Content identifier inaccessible -:The read operation timed out |
WARNING | Could not parse data object file using TIKA |
INFO | File request status code -: tika error |
WARNING | Could not verify content type from downloaded file -: (expected: application/xml, found: ['']) |
WARNING | NO info about file size available in given metadata -: |
WARNING | NO measured variables found in metadata, skip 'measured_variable' test. |
WARNING | Measured variables given in metadata do not match data object content |
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1.1-01M-1 | Licence information is given in an appropriate metadata element | |||
FsF-R1.1-01M-2 | Recognized licence is valid and registered at SPDX | |||
Level: | Message: |
WARNING | License information unavailable in metadata |
"provenance_metadata_included": {
"is_available": true,
"provenance_metadata": [
"metadata_element": "publication_date",
"metadata_value": "1993",
"prov_o_mapping": "prov:generatedAtTime"
"metadata_element": "creator",
"metadata_value": "GEOFON Data Centre",
"prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo"
"metadata_element": "publisher",
"metadata_value": "Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ",
"prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo"
"metadata_element": "contributor",
"metadata_value": "GEOFON Data Centre, GEOFON Data Centre, GEOFON Data Centre, Geofon@Gfz-Potsdam.De, Deutsches GeoForschungsZentrum GFZ",
"prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo"
"structured_provenance_available": {
"is_available": false,
"provenance_metadata": []
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1.2-01M-1 | Metadata contains elements which hold provenance information and can be mapped to PROV | 1 | 2 | |
FsF-R1.2-01M-2 | Metadata contains provenance information using formal provenance ontologies (PROV-O) | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Check if provenance information is available in descriptive metadata |
INFO | Check if provenance information is available in metadata about related resources |
SUCCESS | Found data creation-related provenance information |
INFO | Check if provenance specific namespaces are listed in metadata |
WARNING | Formal provenance metadata is unavailable |
"metadata_standard": "DataCite Metadata Schema",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "DataCite Metadata Schema",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
"subject_areas": [
"Earth sciences",
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "DIF (Directory Interchange Format)",
"subject_areas": [
"Marine biology",
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "DataCite Metadata Schema",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "DIF - Directory Interchange Format",
"subject_areas": [
"Marine biology",
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "DataCite Metadata Schema",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "Dublin Core",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "ISO 19115",
"subject_areas": [
"Earth sciences",
"urls": [
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1.3-01M-1 | Community specific metadata standard is detected using namespaces or schemas found in provided metadata or metadata services outputs | 1 | 3 | |
FsF-R1.3-01M-2 | Community specific metadata standard is listed in the re3data record of the responsible repository | 2 | ||
FsF-R1.3-01M-3 | Multidisciplinary but community endorsed metadata (RDA Metadata Standards Catalog) standard is listed in the re3data record or detected by namespace | 1 | ||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Retrieving API and Standards |
INFO | re3data/datacite client id -: tib.gfz |
INFO | Trying to retrieve metadata info from re3data/datacite services using client id -: tib.gfz |
INFO | Found match re3data (DOI-based) record |
INFO | Found match re3data metadata record -: https://www.re3data.org/api/beta/repository/r3d100012335 |
INFO | Domain name listed in re3data metadata record matches landing page domain-: gfz-potsdam.de |
INFO | Inferring endpoint information through re3data/datacite services |
INFO | Metadata standards listed in re3data record -: ['DIF - Directory Interchange Format', 'DataCite Metadata Schema', 'Dublin Core', 'ISO 19115'] |
INFO | Use OAI-PMH endpoint to retrieve standards used by the repository -: https://doidb.wdc-terra.org//oaip/oai |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://doidb.wdc-terra.org//oaip/oai?verb=ListMetadataFormats as application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5 |
INFO | Content negotiation on https://doidb.wdc-terra.org//oaip/oai?verb=ListMetadataFormats accept=application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: oai_datacite |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: oai_dc |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: datacite |
SUCCESS | Found disciplinary standards that are listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: ['dif', 'iso19139'] |
INFO | Namespaces included in the metadata -: ['http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.3/metadata.xsd', 'http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd', 'http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd/gmd.xsd', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/nonexistant/nonexistant.xsd', 'http://gcmd.nasa.gov/Aboutus/xml/dif/dif_v9.8.2.xsd', 'http://schema.org/', 'http://datacite.org/schema/', 'http://schema.datacite.org/oai/oai-1.0/oai.xsd', 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'] |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through namespaces -: DataCite Metadata Schema (http://datacite.org/schema/kernel-4) |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through namespaces -: DataCite Metadata Schema (http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.3/metadata.xsd) |
SUCCESS | Found disciplinary standard through namespaces -: http://www.isotc211.org/2005/gmd/gmd.xsd |
SUCCESS | Found disciplinary standard through namespaces -: http://gcmd.nasa.gov/Aboutus/xml/dif/dif_v9.8.2.xsd |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through namespaces -: DataCite Metadata Schema (http://datacite.org/schema/) |
INFO | The following standards found through namespaces are excluded as they are not listed in RDA metadata catalog -: ['http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema-instance', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/nonexistant/nonexistant.xsd', 'http://schema.org/', 'http://schema.datacite.org/oai/oai-1.0/oai.xsd', 'http://www.w3.org/XML/1998/namespace'] |
INFO | Using re3data to detect metadata standard(s) |
SUCCESS | Found disciplinary standard through re3data -: DIF - Directory Interchange Format |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through re3data -: DataCite Metadata Schema |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through re3data -: Dublin Core |
SUCCESS | Found disciplinary standard through re3data -: ISO 19115 |
"file_uri": "https:\/\/geofon.gfz-potsdam.de\/waveform\/archive\/response\/GE",
"is_preferred_format": true,
"mime_type": "application\/xml",
"preference_reason": [
"generic science format",
"long term format",
"open format"
"subject_areas": [
"file_uri": "https:\/\/geofon.gfz-potsdam.de\/waveform\/archive\/response\/GE",
"is_preferred_format": false,
"mime_type": "",
"preference_reason": [],
"subject_areas": []
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1.3-02D-1 | The format of a data file given in the metadata is listed in the long term file formats, open file formats or scientific file formats controlled list | 1 | ||
a | The format of the data file is an open format | 1 | ||
b | The format of the data file is a long term format | 2 | ||
c | The format of the data file is a scientific format | |||
Level: | Message: |
WARNING | Content identifier inaccessible -:The read operation timed out |
INFO | Data content identifier provided -: ['https://geofon.gfz-potsdam.de/waveform/archive/response/GE'] |
SUCCESS | Could identify a file format commonly used by the scientific community -:application/xml |