FAIR level: | advanced |
Resource PID/URL: | 10.5281/zenodo.6460190 |
DataCite support: | enabled |
Metric Version: | metrics_v0.4 |
Metric Specification: | https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.4081213 |
Software version: | 1.4.9b |
Download saved assessment results: | {JSON} |
Save and share assessment results: | Saved assessments: |
Score earned: | Fair level: | |
Findable: | 7 of 7 |
advanced |
Accessible: | 3 of 3 |
advanced |
Interoperable: | 3 of 4 |
moderate |
Reusable: | 6 of 10 |
moderate |
"guid": "10.5281\/zenodo.6460190",
"guid_scheme": "doi"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F1-01D-1 | Identifier is resolvable and follows a defined unique identifier syntax (IRI, URL) | 1 | 3 | |
FsF-F1-01D-2 | Identifier is not resolvable but follows an UUID or HASH type syntax | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Using idutils schemes |
SUCCESS | Unique identifier schemes found ['doi', 'handle'] |
INFO | Finalized unique identifier scheme - doi |
"pid": "http:\/\/doi.org\/10.5281\/zenodo.6460190",
"pid_scheme": "doi",
"resolvable_status": true,
"resolved_url": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/record\/6460190"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F1-02D-1 | Identifier follows a defined persistent identifier syntax | 0.5 | 1 | |
FsF-F1-02D-2 | Persistent identifier is resolvable | 0.5 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | PID schemes-based assessment supported by the assessment service - ['ark', 'arxiv', 'bioproject', 'biosample', 'doi', 'ensembl', 'genome', 'gnd', 'handle', 'lsid', 'pmid', 'pmcid', 'purl', 'refseq', 'sra', 'uniprot', 'urn'] |
INFO | Retrieving page -: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6460190 as text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.5, text/xml;q=0.5, application/rdf+xml;q=0.5 |
INFO | Object identifier active (status code = 200) |
SUCCESS | Persistence identifier scheme -: doi |
"core_metadata_found": {
"creator": [
"Sergio E Uribe",
"Ahmad Sofi-Mahmudi",
"Eero Raittio",
"Ilze Maldupa",
"Baiba Vilne"
"keywords": [
"Dental publications",
"Deep Learning\/Machine Learning",
"Dental informatics\/bioinformatics",
"Electronic dental records",
"Outcomes research"
"object_identifier": "https:\/\/doi.org\/10.5281\/zenodo.6460190",
"object_type": "Dataset",
"publication_date": "2022-04-14",
"publisher": "Zenodo",
"summary": "<p>This dataset contains open access publications in EPMC dental journals from 2016 to 2021 and 500 non-open access dental publications. We evaluated the level of compliance with the FAIR principles. The original dataset and codebook are attached. <\/p>",
"title": "Dataset Dental research data availability and quality according to FAIR principles"
"core_metadata_source": [
"Schema.org JSON-LD (Embedded)",
"Embedded DublinCore",
"Embedded Microdata",
"Embedded OpenGraph",
"Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated)",
"Datacite Search",
"core_metadata_status": "all metadata"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F2-01M-1 | Metadata has been made available via common web methods | 0.5 | 1 | |
a | Metadata is embedded in the landing page XHTML/HTML code | |||
b | Metadata is accessible through content negotiation | |||
c | Metadata is accessible via typed links | |||
d | Metadata is accessible via signposting links | |||
FsF-F2-01M-2 | Core data citation metadata is available | 0.5 | 2 | |
FsF-F2-01M-3 | Core descriptive metadata is available | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Trying to identify some EMBEDDED metadata in content retrieved during PID verification process (FsF-F1-02D) |
INFO | Content negotiation accept=text/html, application/xhtml+xml, application/xml;q=0.5, text/xml;q=0.5, application/rdf+xml;q=0.5, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Starting to identify EMBEDDED metadata at -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 |
INFO | Trying to retrieve schema.org JSON-LD metadata from html page |
INFO | Trying to extract schema.org JSON-LD metadata from -: Schema.org JSON-LD (Embedded) |
INFO | Found schema.org JSON-LD which seems to be valid, based on the given context type -:Dataset |
SUCCESS | Found schema.org JSON-LD metadata in html page -: dict_keys(['title', 'object_type', 'publication_date', 'creator', 'license', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'object_content_identifier']) |
INFO | Trying to retrieve Dublin Core metadata from html page |
SUCCESS | Found DublinCore metadata -: dict_keys(['summary']) |
INFO | Trying to retrieve Microdata metadata from html page |
INFO | Trying to extract Microdata metadata from -: Embedded Microdata |
SUCCESS | Found microdata metadata -: dict_keys(['object_type']) |
INFO | Trying to retrieve RDFa metadata from html page |
INFO | RDFa metadata parsing exception, probably no RDFa embedded in HTML -:'str' object has no attribute 'decode' |
INFO | Trying to retrieve OpenGraph metadata from html page |
INFO | Found OpenGraph metadata-: dict_keys(['title', 'object_identifier', 'summary', 'publisher']) |
INFO | Could not identify OpenGraph metadata |
SUCCESS | Found OpenGraph metadata -: dict_keys(['title', 'object_identifier', 'summary', 'publisher']) |
INFO | Trying to identify Typed Links to data items in html page |
INFO | Starting to identify EXTERNAL metadata through content negotiation or typed links |
INFO | Trying to retrieve XML metadata through content negotiation from URL -: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6460190 |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 as application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5 |
INFO | Content negotiation accept=application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Trying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -: Generic XML (Negotiated) |
INFO | Expected XML but content negotiation responded -: html |
INFO | Could not identify metadata properties in XML |
INFO | Trying to retrieve schema.org JSON-LD metadata through content negotiation from URL -: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6460190 |
INFO | Retrieving page -: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6460190 as application/vnd.schemaorg.ld+json, application/ld+json |
INFO | Content negotiation accept=application/vnd.schemaorg.ld+json, application/ld+json, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Trying to extract schema.org JSON-LD metadata from -: Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated) |
INFO | Found schema.org JSON-LD which seems to be valid, based on the given context type -:Dataset |
SUCCESS | Found Schema.org metadata through content negotiation-: dict_keys(['title', 'object_type', 'publication_date', 'creator', 'creator_first', 'creator_last', 'publisher', 'license', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'related_resources']) |
INFO | Trying to retrieve XML metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 as application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5 |
INFO | Content negotiation accept=application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Trying to extract/parse XML metadata from URL -: Generic XML (Negotiated) |
INFO | Expected XML but content negotiation responded -: html |
INFO | Could not identify metadata properties in XML |
INFO | Trying to retrieve schema.org JSON-LD metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 as application/vnd.schemaorg.ld+json, application/ld+json |
INFO | Content negotiation accept=application/vnd.schemaorg.ld+json, application/ld+json, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Trying to extract schema.org JSON-LD metadata from -: Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated) |
INFO | Found JSON-LD schema.org but record is not of type "Dataset" based on context -: None |
INFO | Schema.org metadata through content negotiation UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve RDF metadata through content negotiation from URL -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 as text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json |
INFO | Content negotiation accept=text/turtle, application/turtle, application/x-turtle;q=0.8, application/rdf+xml, text/n3;q=0.9, text/rdf+n3;q=0.9,application/ld+json, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Seems to be HTML not RDF, therefore skipped parsing RDF from -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190 |
INFO | Linked Data metadata UNAVAILABLE |
INFO | Trying to retrieve datacite metadata |
INFO | Retrieving page -: http://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6460190 as application/vnd.datacite.datacite+json |
INFO | Content negotiation accept=application/vnd.datacite.datacite+json, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
SUCCESS | Found Datacite metadata -: dict_keys(['object_identifier', 'object_type', 'creator', 'creator_first', 'creator_last', 'publisher', 'title', 'keywords', 'publication_date', 'license', 'summary', 'related_resources', 'datacite_client', 'access_level']) |
INFO | Guessed XML retrieval failed for -: https://zenodo.org/record/6460190.xml |
INFO | Type of object described by the metadata -: Dataset |
INFO | Testing for required core descriptive metadata elements -: ['creator', 'title', 'publisher', 'publication_date', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'object_type'] |
SUCCESS | Found required core descriptive metadata elements -: ['creator', 'title', 'publisher', 'publication_date', 'summary', 'keywords', 'object_identifier', 'object_type'] |
"object_content_identifier_included": [
"content_identifier_active": true,
"content_identifier_included": {
"header_content_length": "27423",
"header_content_type": "application\/octet-stream, application\/octet-stream",
"type": "zip",
"url": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/api\/files\/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e\/Figs.zip"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F3-01M-1 | Metadata contains data content related information (file name, size, type) | 0.5 | 1 | |
FsF-F3-01M-2 | Metadata contains a PID or URL which indicates the location of the downloadable data content | 0.5 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Found data links in Schema.org metadata -: [{'url': 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/00-README.txt', 'type': 'txt'}, {'url': 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/01-analysis-script-fairness-dental-publications-2016-2021.Rmd', 'type': 'rmd'}, {'url': 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/02-data-dental-publications-fairness-2016-2021.csv', 'type': 'csv'}, {'url': 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/03-codebook-dental-publications-fairness.csv', 'type': 'csv'}, {'url': 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/Figs.zip', 'type': 'zip'}] |
SUCCESS | Number of object content identifier found -: 5 |
INFO | The total number of object (content) specified is above threshold, so use the first -: 5 content identifiers |
WARNING | Content type given in metadata differs from content type given in Header response -: (txt) vs. (text/plain) |
WARNING | Content type given in metadata differs from content type given in Header response -: (rmd) vs. (application/octet-stream, application/octet-stream) |
WARNING | Content type given in metadata differs from content type given in Header response -: (csv) vs. (text/plain) |
WARNING | Content type given in metadata differs from content type given in Header response -: (csv) vs. (text/plain) |
WARNING | Content type given in metadata differs from content type given in Header response -: (zip) vs. (application/octet-stream, application/octet-stream) |
"search_mechanisms": [
"mechanism": "structured data",
"mechanism_info": [
"Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated)",
"Embedded DublinCore",
"Schema.org JSON-LD (Embedded)"
"mechanism": "metadata registry",
"mechanism_info": [
"Datacite Search",
"DataCite Registry"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-F4-01M-1 | Metadata is given in a way major search engines can ingest it for their catalogues (JSON-LD, Dublin Core, RDFa) | 1 | 3 | |
FsF-F4-01M-2 | Metadata is registered in major research data registries (DataCite) | 1 | 2 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Supported tests of metadata retrieval/extraction -: 'Embedded DublinCore', 'Embedded OpenGraph', 'Schema.org JSON-LD (Embedded)', 'Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated)', 'Datacite Search', 'Typed Links', 'Signposting Typed Links', 'RDF-based Typed Links', 'Linked Data (RDF)', 'B2FIND Metadata Aggregator', 'Guessed XML Link', 'Generic XML (Negotiated)', 'Embedded RDFa', 'Embedded Microdata', 'OAI-ORE' |
INFO | Metadata found through - structured data |
INFO | Querying DataCite API for -:10.5281/zenodo.6460190 |
INFO | Found identifier in DataCite catalogue -:10.5281/zenodo.6460190 |
INFO | Dataset already found in registry therefore skipping Google Dataset Search Cache query |
INFO | Dataset already found in registry therefore skipping Mendeley Data query |
INFO | Metadata found through - metadata registry |
"access_details": {
"access_condition": "info:eu-repo\/semantics\/openAccess"
"access_level": "public"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-A1-01M-1 | Information about access restrictions or rights can be identified in metadata | 0.5 | 1 | |
FsF-A1-01M-2 | Data access information is machine readable | 0.5 | 3 | |
FsF-A1-01M-3 | Data access information is indicated by (not machine readable) standard terms | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Access information specified -: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode |
INFO | Verify URL through SPDX registry -: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode |
INFO | Found SPDX license representation -: http://spdx.org/licenses/CC-BY-4.0.json |
WARNING | Access condition looks like license, therefore the following is ignored -: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode |
INFO | Access information specified -: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
INFO | Verify name through SPDX registry -: info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess |
INFO | Standardized actionable access level recognized as -:public |
INFO | Found access rights information in dedicated metadata element |
SUCCESS | Access level to data could successfully be determined -: public |
"standard_data_protocol": {
"https": "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-A1-03D-1 | Metadata includes a resolvable link to data based on standardized web communication protocols. | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
SUCCESS | Standard protocol for access to data object found: https |
"standard_metadata_protocol": {
"https": "Hyper Text Transfer Protocol Secure"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-A1-02M-1 | Landing page link is based on standardized web communication protocols. | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
SUCCESS | Standard protocol for access to metadata found -: https |
"is_metadata_found": true,
"serialization_format": "JSON-LD",
"source": "structured_data"
"is_metadata_found": true,
"serialization_format": "JSON-LD",
"source": "content_negotiate"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-I1-01M-1 | Parsable, structured metadata (JSON-LD, RDFa) is embedded in the landing page XHTML/HTML code | 1 | 2 | |
FsF-I1-01M-2 | Parsable, graph data (RDF, JSON-LD) is accessible through content negotiation, typed links or sparql endpoint | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Check of structured data (RDF serialization) embedded in the data page |
INFO | JSON-LD (schema.org) serialization found in the data page - JSON-LD |
SUCCESS | Found structured data (RDF serialization) in the data page |
INFO | Check if RDF-based typed link included |
INFO | NO RDF-based typed link found |
INFO | Check if RDF metadata available through content negotiation |
INFO | JSON-LD graph retrieved through content negotiation, content type - JSON-LD |
SUCCESS | Found RDF content through content negotiation or typed links |
WARNING | NO SPARQL endpoint found through re3data based on the object URI provided |
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-I1-02M-1 | Vocabulary namespace URIs can be identified in metadata | 1 | ||
FsF-I1-02M-2 | Namespaces of known semantic resources can be identified in metadata | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Number of vocabulary namespaces extracted from all RDF-based metadata -: 8 |
INFO | Default vocabulary namespace(s) excluded -: ['http://ogp.me/ns', 'http://schema.org', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1'] |
INFO | Check the remaining namespace(s) exists in LOD -: [] |
WARNING | NO vocabulary namespace match is found |
WARNING | Vocabulary namespace (s) or URIs specified but no match is found in LOD reference list (examples) -: ['http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.1/metadata.xsd', 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd', 'http://datacite.org/schema', 'http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-3/metadata.xsd'] |
"related_resource": "10.5281\/zenodo.6460189",
"relation_type": "IsVersionOf"
"related_resource": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/communities\/bbce",
"relation_type": "IsPartOf"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-I3-01M-1 | Related resources are explicitly mentioned in metadata | 1 | 2 | |
FsF-I3-01M-2 | Related resources are indicated by machine readable links or identifiers | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | No related resource(s) found in Schema.org metadata |
INFO | No related resource(s) found in DublinCore metadata |
INFO | 2 related resource(s) extracted from -: Schema.org JSON-LD (Negotiated) |
INFO | 2 related resource(s) extracted from -: Datacite Search |
INFO | Total number of related resources extracted -: 2 |
SUCCESS | Number of related resources after QC step -: 2 |
"data_content_descriptor": [
"descriptor": "file type",
"descriptor_value": "zip",
"matches_content": false
"object_type": "dataset"
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1-01MD-1 | Minimal information about available data content is given in metadata | 1 | 1 | |
a | Resource type (e.g. dataset) is given in metadata | |||
b | Information about data content (e.g. links) is given in metadata | |||
FsF-R1-01MD-2 | Verifiable data descriptors (file info, measured variables or observation types) are specified in metadata | |||
a | File size and type information are specified in metadata | |||
b | Measured variables or observation types are specified in metadata | |||
FsF-R1-01MD-3 | Data content matches file type and size specified in metadata | |||
FsF-R1-01MD-4 | Data content matches measured variables or observation types specified in metadata | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Object landing page accessible status -: True |
SUCCESS | Resource type specified -: dataset |
INFO | Number of data content URI(s) specified -: 5 |
INFO | Selected content file to be analyzed -: https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/Figs.zip |
INFO | Successfully parsed data object file using TIKA |
INFO | File request status code -: 200 |
INFO | Succesfully parsed data file(s) -: https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/Figs.zip |
WARNING | Could not verify content type from downloaded file -: (expected: zip, found: ['application/zip', 'application/pdf']) |
WARNING | NO info about file size available in given metadata -: |
WARNING | NO measured variables found in metadata, skip 'measured_variable' test. |
WARNING | Measured variables given in metadata do not match data object content |
"details_url": "http:\/\/spdx.org\/licenses\/CC-BY-4.0.html",
"license": "https:\/\/creativecommons.org\/licenses\/by\/4.0\/legalcode",
"osi_approved": false
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1.1-01M-1 | Licence information is given in an appropriate metadata element | 1 | 1 | |
FsF-R1.1-01M-2 | Recognized licence is valid and registered at SPDX | 1 | 3 | |
Level: | Message: |
INFO | License metadata found (schema.org) -: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode |
INFO | License metadata found (schema.org) -: ['https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode', 'info:eu-repo/semantics/openAccess'] |
INFO | License expressed as access condition (rights), therefore moved from FsF-A1-01M -: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode |
SUCCESS | Found licence information in metadata |
INFO | Verify URL through SPDX registry -: https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/legalcode |
INFO | Found SPDX license representation -: http://spdx.org/licenses/CC-BY-4.0.json |
SUCCESS | Found SPDX license representation (spdx url, osi_approved) |
"provenance_metadata_included": {
"is_available": true,
"provenance_metadata": [
"metadata_element": "publication_date",
"metadata_value": "2022-04-14",
"prov_o_mapping": "prov:generatedAtTime"
"metadata_element": "creator",
"metadata_value": [
"Sergio E Uribe",
"Ahmad Sofi-Mahmudi",
"Eero Raittio",
"Ilze Maldupa",
"Baiba Vilne"
"prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo"
"metadata_element": "publisher",
"metadata_value": "Zenodo",
"prov_o_mapping": "prov:wasAttributedTo"
"structured_provenance_available": {
"is_available": false,
"provenance_metadata": []
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1.2-01M-1 | Metadata contains elements which hold provenance information and can be mapped to PROV | 1 | 2 | |
FsF-R1.2-01M-2 | Metadata contains provenance information using formal provenance ontologies (PROV-O) | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Check if provenance information is available in descriptive metadata |
INFO | Check if provenance information is available in metadata about related resources |
SUCCESS | Found data creation-related provenance information |
INFO | Check if provenance specific namespaces are listed in metadata |
WARNING | Formal provenance metadata is unavailable |
"metadata_standard": "DataCite Metadata Schema",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "DataCite Metadata Schema",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "Dublin Core",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "MARC (Machine-Readable Cataloging)",
"subject_areas": [
"Bibliographic standards",
"Information\/library standards"
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "DataCite Metadata Schema",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "DataCite Metadata Schema",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
"metadata_standard": "Dublin Core",
"subject_areas": [
"urls": [
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1.3-01M-1 | Community specific metadata standard is detected using namespaces or schemas found in provided metadata or metadata services outputs | 1 | 3 | |
FsF-R1.3-01M-2 | Community specific metadata standard is listed in the re3data record of the responsible repository | |||
FsF-R1.3-01M-3 | Multidisciplinary but community endorsed metadata (RDA Metadata Standards Catalog) standard is listed in the re3data record or detected by namespace | 1 | ||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Retrieving API and Standards |
INFO | re3data/datacite client id -: cern.zenodo |
INFO | Trying to retrieve metadata info from re3data/datacite services using client id -: cern.zenodo |
INFO | Found match re3data (DOI-based) record |
INFO | Found match re3data metadata record -: https://www.re3data.org/api/beta/repository/r3d100010468 |
INFO | Inferring endpoint information through re3data/datacite services |
INFO | Metadata standards listed in re3data record -: ['DataCite Metadata Schema', 'Dublin Core'] |
INFO | Use OAI-PMH endpoint to retrieve standards used by the repository -: https://zenodo.org/oai2d |
INFO | Retrieving page -: https://zenodo.org/oai2d?verb=ListMetadataFormats as application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5 |
INFO | Content negotiation accept=application/xml, text/xml;q=0.5, status=200 |
INFO | Using Cached response content |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: oai_datacite4 |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: oai_dc |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: dcat |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: oai_datacite |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: datacite |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: datacite3 |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: datacite4 |
INFO | Skipped domain-agnostic standard listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: oai_datacite3 |
SUCCESS | Found disciplinary standards that are listed in OAI-PMH endpoint -: ['marcxml', 'marc21'] |
INFO | Namespaces included in the metadata -: ['http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.1/metadata.xsd', 'http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd', 'http://ogp.me/ns#', 'http://schema.org/', 'http://datacite.org/schema/', 'http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/', 'http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd', 'http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-3/metadata.xsd'] |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through namespaces -: DataCite Metadata Schema (http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-4.1/metadata.xsd) |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through namespaces -: DataCite Metadata Schema (http://datacite.org/schema/) |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through namespaces -: Dublin Core (http://purl.org/dc/elements/1.1/) |
SUCCESS | Found disciplinary standard through namespaces -: http://www.loc.gov/standards/marcxml/schema/MARC21slim.xsd |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through namespaces -: DataCite Metadata Schema (http://schema.datacite.org/meta/kernel-3/metadata.xsd) |
INFO | The following standards found through namespaces are excluded as they are not listed in RDA metadata catalog -: ['http://www.openarchives.org/OAI/2.0/oai_dc.xsd', 'http://ogp.me/ns#', 'http://schema.org/'] |
INFO | Using re3data to detect metadata standard(s) |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through re3data -: DataCite Metadata Schema |
INFO | Found non-disciplinary standard (but RDA listed) found through re3data -: Dublin Core |
"file_uri": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/api\/files\/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e\/00-README.txt",
"is_preferred_format": false,
"mime_type": "txt",
"preference_reason": [],
"subject_areas": []
"file_uri": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/api\/files\/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e\/00-README.txt",
"is_preferred_format": false,
"mime_type": "application\/zip",
"preference_reason": [],
"subject_areas": []
"file_uri": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/api\/files\/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e\/00-README.txt",
"is_preferred_format": true,
"mime_type": "application\/pdf",
"preference_reason": [
"long term format"
"subject_areas": [
"file_uri": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/api\/files\/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e\/01-analysis-script-fairness-dental-publications-2016-2021.Rmd",
"is_preferred_format": false,
"mime_type": "rmd",
"preference_reason": [],
"subject_areas": []
"file_uri": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/api\/files\/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e\/03-codebook-dental-publications-fairness.csv",
"is_preferred_format": false,
"mime_type": "csv",
"preference_reason": [],
"subject_areas": []
"file_uri": "https:\/\/zenodo.org\/api\/files\/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e\/Figs.zip",
"is_preferred_format": false,
"mime_type": "zip",
"preference_reason": [],
"subject_areas": []
Test: | Test name: | Score: | Maturity: | Result: |
FsF-R1.3-02D-1 | The format of a data file given in the metadata is listed in the long term file formats, open file formats or scientific file formats controlled list | 1 | ||
a | The format of the data file is an open format | |||
b | The format of the data file is a long term format | 2 | ||
c | The format of the data file is a scientific format | |||
Level: | Message: |
INFO | Data content identifier provided -: ['https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/00-README.txt', 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/01-analysis-script-fairness-dental-publications-2016-2021.Rmd', 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/02-data-dental-publications-fairness-2016-2021.csv', 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/03-codebook-dental-publications-fairness.csv', 'https://zenodo.org/api/files/78079f6e-2c8a-400d-b51f-fbd554d73a6e/Figs.zip'] |
SUCCESS | Could identify a file format commonly used by the scientific community -:zip |